Cloud Experts Documentation

Using AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) on ROSA

This content is authored by Red Hat experts, but has not yet been tested on every supported configuration.

AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) lets you define and use AWS service resources directly from Kubernetes. With ACK, you can take advantage of AWS-managed services for your Kubernetes applications without needing to define resources outside of the cluster or run services that provide supporting capabilities like databases or message queues within the cluster.

ROSA clusters have a set of the ACK controllers in Operator Hub which makes it relatively easy to get started and use it. Caution should be taken as it is a tech preview product from AWS.

This tutorial shows how to use the ACK S3 controller as an example, but can be adapted for any other ACK controller that has an operator in the OperatorHub of your cluster.


  • A ROSA cluster
  • OpenShift CLI oc

Pre-install instructions

  1. Set some useful environment variables

    export CLUSTER=ansible-rosa
    export NAMESPACE=ack-system
    export IAM_USER=${CLUSTER}-ack-controller
    export S3_POLICY_ARN=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3FullAccess
    export SCRATCH_DIR=/tmp/ack
    export ACK_SERVICE=s3
    export AWS_PAGER=""
    mkdir -p $SCRATCH_DIR
  2. Create and bind an IAM service account for ACK to use

    aws iam create-user --user-name $IAM_USER
  3. Create an access key for the user

    read -r ACCESS_KEY_ID ACCESS_KEY < <(aws iam create-access-key \
      --user-name $IAM_USER \
      --query 'AccessKey.[AccessKeyId,SecretAccessKey]' --output text)
  4. Find the ARN of the recommended IAM policy

Note: you can find the recommended policy in each projects github repo, example

aws iam attach-user-policy \
    --user-name $IAM_USER \
    --policy-arn "$S3_POLICY_ARN"

Install the ACK S3 Controller

  1. Log into your OpenShift console, click to OperatorHub and search for “ack”
Operator Hub
  1. Select the S3 controller and install it.

  2. Create a config map for ACK to use

    cat <<EOF > $SCRATCH_DIR/config.txt
  3. Apply the config map

    oc create configmap --namespace ack-system \
      --from-env-file=$SCRATCH_DIR/config.txt ack-s3-user-config
  4. Create a secret for ACK to use

    cat <<EOF > $SCRATCH_DIR/secrets.txt
  5. Apply the secret

    oc create secret generic --namespace ack-system \
      --from-env-file=$SCRATCH_DIR/secrets.txt ack-s3-user-secrets
  6. Check the ack-s3-controller is running

    kubectl -n ack-system get pods
    NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    ack-s3-controller-6dc4b4c-zgs2m   1/1     Running   0          145m
  7. If its not, restart it so that it can read the new configmap/secret.

    kubectl rollout restart deployment ack-s3-controller
  8. Deploy an S3 Bucket Resource

    cat << EOF | oc apply -f -
    kind: Bucket
      name: $CLUSTER-bucket
      name: $CLUSTER-bucket
  9. Verify the S3 Bucket Resource

    aws s3 ls | grep  $CLUSTER-bucket
    2022-06-02 12:20:25 ansible-rosa-bucket

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